Slonser Notes.

DOM Purify - untrusted Node bypass

The article is informative and intended for security specialists conducting testing within the scope of a contract. The author is not responsible for any damage caused by the application of the provided information. The distribution of malicious programs, disruption of system operation, and violation of the confidentiality of correspondence are pursued by law. Introduction In this article, I aim to elucidate a deficiency in the implementation of DOMPurify that I recently uncovered.…
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CVE-2023-5480: Chrome new XSS Vector

Chrome XSS The article is informative and intended for security specialists conducting testing within the scope of a contract. The author is not responsible for any damage caused by the application of the provided information. The distribution of malicious programs, disruption of system operation, and violation of the confidentiality of correspondence are pursued by law. Preface This article is dedicated to a vulnerability that I managed to discover in the Google Chrome browser at the end of last year, and it also recounts the story of its origin.…
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Who Am I

Slonser. I am Vsevolod Kokorin (Slonser), security researcher at Solidlab, C4T BuT S4D CTF team player. You can contact with me at Telegram.…
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